倉橋 美佳 / Kurahashi Mika
取締役COO 兼 パフォーマンスマネイジメント部マネージャー
Mini Keynote? ABM
今回のアドテック九州において、その現場で活躍する女性マーケターにフォーカスをあて、 現場で注力されている施策や挑んでいる課題を元に、2日間に渡るアドテック九州での注目セッションを紹介していきます。(Written by 月成信裕)
It is not a well-known fact that the share of female working in the field of direct marketing is significant, and they take a vital role in the complexed E commerce business. At ad:tech kyushu this year, we would like to invite these talented female players from direct marketing companies. The objective of the session is to make clear of the issues and challenge marketers are facing today.