松尾 誠志 / Matsuo Seishi
Content Marketing
(Written by 毛利慶吾)
Social media now plays an important role in the marketing communications today. Ever since CGM (Consumer Generated Media) has been introduced, communications on buzz media has been increasing. With the rise of Twitter and Facebook, its volume is skyrocketing. In the social media space, the social graph would reveal the behavior of audiences, and what would drive audience to take an action and the role of creative is quite important. Since October last year, Dentsu Kyushu is working on the project with Kumamoto Prefecture appealing the local “Local Products of Kumamoto.” The most recent campaign is “Kumamon losing his red cheek”. Its video has been played more than 160,000 times, which worth 1.2 billion JPY on TV spot. The challenge for this campaign was how to generate buzz on social media, mainly Twitter. In this session, the ground design of the campaign will be introduced, how marketer would plan a successful campaign.