Mini Keynote

Innovation from Kyushu, Japan

「しくみデザイン」 中村俊介氏からモノ、サービスづくりへのヒントを得る。

「しくみデザイン」 中村俊介氏からモノ、サービスづくりへのヒントを得る。

Conventional ideas and manners no longer serve to solve issues we are facing. It is long waited for the rise of innovators who bring new value and change the way world is. It is as well poplar here in Kyushu to create innovative business. “Shikumi Design” led by Shunsuke Nakamura displays a quite unique example. Shikumi Design’s work “KAGURA” received the award Intel’s Global Contest in 2014. In this session, Nakamura would speak about how to create the products and services which scale from Kyushu to the global market.

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