田代 正雄 / Tashiro Masao
取締役 兼 COO
Content Marketing
このようなマーケッターの悩み解決につながるヒントを探っていきたいと思います。(Written by 櫻木裕之)
AB test / 3PAS / DMP / Attribution / RFM and so on, the way to find out the sales opportunity from the Big Data is continuing evolving.
However we have heard from many marketers that finding out the sales opportunity from the Big Data is not easy. Incidentally , what on earth is the secret to find the sales opportunity from the Big Data?
In this session panelists who have found out a lot of sales opportunities from the Big Data will give the successful case studies. And we will discuss about "thinking power" and "technology" for not overlooking the sales opportunity.
We would like to explore the secret to solve the problem as below, "To find out the sales opportunity definitely!" "To make Big Data analysis success!"